TED Talks

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TED Talks

Mr Webster, Head of Innovation, recently gave a TED Talk on innovation in education, featuring some of the ground...

Sutton Music Festival Prize

Lucie (Third Year) was successful in the Sutton Music Festival last weekend where she performed a pianoforte duet and...

Mind UK – Photography Competition Winners

  The evening of Wednesday 29 November was the opening event for the Mind UK Photography Competition Exhibition in...

Maths in Action

  On Wednesday 22 of November Dr Dimakos and Mr Buchan accompanied a group of 20 Sixth Formers to...

Lower Sixth Art Group Visit the Barbican

On Friday 24 November the Lower Sixth art group went to see the Basquiat exhibition at the Barbican centre....

Experimental Fun at Fashion and Textiles Club

  Pupils in Fashion and textile Club have been having lots of fun experimenting with mood boards and dye...

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