Success in Super Counties Lacrosse

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Success in Super Counties Lacrosse

On Sunday 25 November, Nicola, Poppy and Izzy (Fourth Year) took part in the Super Counties Competition against Haberdashers’...

Maths in Action Day

On Wednesday 12 December, a group of Lower Sixth mathematicians travelled to London by train to participate in a...

Swim England Selection

Congratulations to Amy (Lower Sixth) for being selected for the Swim England National Performance Training Camp being held at...

Rotary Volunteers raise over £5000!

Thanks to all the pupils and staff who have volunteered over seven evenings to collect for our school charity DKMS...

A Satire on Victorian Society

In 1884, Edwin Abbott wrote the classic Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions – a satire on Victorian society....

Student Ambassador Scheme

This term saw the launch of the fifth year of the Student Ambassador Scheme. A Level maths pupils were...

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