House Song – Lewisham Triumphant

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House Song – Lewisham Triumphant

Wednesday afternoon of Wilberforce Week saw the return of the hotly contested House Song competition. Ably supported by the...

Orchard Theatre Festival – Outdoor Action

On Thursday and Friday last week actors from across the school took to our sunny outdoor stage as part...

Wilberforce Week – Action Packed Days!

What a way to round off the year! A week filled with fun activity which engaged everyone in our...

Sun shines on Passing Out Parade

On a sun-drenched Home Field last Wednesday, in front of a very large audience of parents, friends, staff and...

Film Festival – Red Carpet Moment

On the Monday of Wilberforce Week, the Third Years were invited to walk the red carpet in their glad...

CaterhamConnected Insight Evening – Entrepreneurship

A stellar line up of entrepreneurs shared their wisdom with Sixth Formers, Old Cats and parents at our spring...

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