SaturdayPlus – Improving Outcomes for Local Children
We are delighted that 28 children have joined Caterham’s SaturdayPlus programme this term. They are the third intake into this scheme which aims to improve outcomes for Pupil Premium children in Year Five and Six attending our ESLP schools. Between now and December, the children will take part in monthly Saturday classes to develop their core skills in English, Maths, Non Verbal Reasoning and Verbal Reasoning. They will also take part in sessions that are designed to inspire learning and build confidence. And during the scheme we will provide sessions to their parents/carers to discuss progress and offer advice towards selective school entry. The children are provided with lunch, and we offer transport to families who are unable to get to the sessions to increase accessibility.
SaturdayPlus is delivered by teachers from across the Prep and Senior Schools, all of whom volunteer their time. Their investment of time is making a big difference to families in our community: 58 children have graduated from the programme since it started in 2022. Every child who has taken part has increased their scores in all social and emotional measures and it has been great to see their successful transition into Senior Schools that include selective grammar and independent schools. We were particularly delighted that one of the children joined Caterham last September as a Wilberforce Scholar.
None of this work would be possible without the staff who volunteer their time and the kind donations we receive to support our partnerships programme. Further information about SaturdayPlus can be found in our 2024 Donor Impact Report, the link to which is here.
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