Parent Wellbeing Webinar: The Breck Foundation

Parent Wellbeing Webinar: The Breck Foundation

Our next Parental Wellbeing Webinar on Tuesday 1 October at 7.00pm. Our speaker will be Matthew Brown, Student Engagement Officer of The Breck Foundation, an online safety education organisation.

The Breck Foundation was set up in response to the tragic murder of Breck Bednar, a 14-year-old Surrey schoolboy in 2014.  It campaigns for a safer internet for all children and young people. The school has a close working link with the foundation, and we include Breck’s story, and the safety lessons we can learn from the tragedy, in our Wellbeing lessons on online safety.

The parent webinar will cover the issues of online grooming, using Breck’s story as the backbone, and how to approach conversations with your teens at home. It will signpost useful websites for parents to access more information and look at how you can build as many connections with your children as possible so that they feel confident in coming to you when they come across issues online. More information on the foundation can be found at their website:

There will be a Q&A session after the initial presentation where Matthew will be happy to answer any questions you may have, along with Caterham Pastoral Staff.

The webinar is being hosted by The Breck Foundation on Zoom. Please find below the link to join on the evening.

Joining link:

Meeting ID: 859 7561 7766
Passcode: 958553

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