Creative A Level and GCSE Drama Workshops

Creative A Level and GCSE Drama Workshops

Sixth Form and Fourth Year drama pupils kick-started the year with devising workshops, preparing them for the creative and collaborative work they’ll be undertaking over the GCSE and A-Level courses. The Sixth Form pupils worked with a practitioner from The Paper Birds to understand the company’s methodology and practice. As they’ll be using them as their prescribed practitioner for their devising coursework, this was a hugely useful and productive introduction to their work. Both Lower & Upper Sixth worked brilliantly to create a range of interesting ‘fragments’ around the theme of Fast Fashion, and we can’t wait to see what they apply to their own work over the coming year.

Fourth Year were thrown into an energetic and physical workshop with Frantic Assembly. After a physically exhausting warm up and an agreement of high expectations, pupils worked closely to create small pieces of theatre centring on movement, physicality and touch. As well as learning a couple of lifts, they discovered how small changes or additions can make all the difference when devising work.

An exciting and energetic start to the term which has got everyone’s creativity bubbling, and we can’t wait to see what they create over the coming months!

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