Supporting Sport with Sal’s Shoes

Supporting Sport with Sal’s Shoes

You can’t help but smile when you receive a note from an Old Caterhamian to say that his son is a volunteer rugby coach in Ghana and the Youth team he is coaching happens to be kitted out in Caterham School kit! It’s a great example of our brilliant parents donating old sports kit via epic charity Sal’s Shoes to support disadvantaged pupils to do sport overseas. You can donate your old branded sports kit to Sal’s Shoes via the NNU uniform shop.


The Sal’s Shoes donation trailer will be back for all your kind donations.

Senior School Car Park: 19 and 20 September 2024.

If you have any shoes you wish to give when the trailer is not here, please use our black donation bins which are located up at Beech Hanger in the Senior School.

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