Tatler Schools Guide – Best Head Finalist

Tatler Schools Guide – Best Head Finalist

We were delighted to learn that our very own Mr Ceri Jones has been shortlisted for Best Head of a Public School, in the Tatler Schools Awards 2025. The shortlisting follows Caterham School’s updated review in the Tatler Schools Guide 2025 which is on sale now (CLICK HERE)

Nominations for the Tatler Schools Awards are based solely on votes from by pupils, parents, staff. The Best Head of a Public School category is for Heads who go above and beyond, and the shortlist recognises the top five heads in the UK.  The final awards will be announced later this month.

The Tatler Schools Guide is based on school visits, conversations with parents, pupils, teachers and heads in addition to a comprehensive annual survey. The updated review of Caterham School in the 2025 guide says: “This seems to be the school for strengthening whatever your child’s interest and talents might be and encouraging them to reach their full potential.”

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