A Level Success Stories 2024

A Level Success Stories 2024

Anna Heads Stateside to Prestigious Princeton

Anna leaves the UK on a high with three A stars as she makes a move to the US and take up a place at Princeton University with a sought after full scholarship. Leaving the UK straight after getting her results, Anna will be playing field hockey as well as studying a broad curriculum including her favourite subject, psychology.

Playing hockey for England since the age of 15 and bronze medalist at the recent U18 Eight Nations Tournament, Anna said of choosing the US for her next steps: “The investment in sport at Princeton means the opportunity and experience for me playing in the US as a D1 athlete (highest level of college sport) is second to none. Along with the level of academics at such a prestigious university as Princeton, I am just so excited!”

Joining Caterham from Tonbridge Grammar, Anna looked back at her time in Sixth Form: “Most definitely the boys v girls lacrosse match was so much fun and a real stand out highlight for me! I will miss daily life in the Sixth Form Centre, we worked really hard in our lessons, so the dedicated Sixth Form area was a great place to hang out with my friends in between and I have many fond memories of happy times.  I found a love for psychology at Caterham that I never expected – a really fantastic department and a big thank you to Ms Henry who opened up this fascinating subject to me.”

Advice for younger pupils? Anna recommends: “Work hard and don’t spend time worrying!”

Philip Engineers his Future at Oxford

Philip’s off to Balliol College Oxford to read Engineering, securing his place with two A star grades and two A grades. Whilst he can’t wait to get stuck into his main area of study at Oxford, Philip will be keeping his musical dreams and talents alive having been a music scholar, and an active member of the music department, since moving up from Caterham Prep.  

“I didn’t want to arrive at school with too high expectations today but my results are exactly what I hoped for. I’ve secured what I need and I just feel really happy all round.”

I’ll miss being part of music here, particularly the groups and ensembles.  It was incredible to end my time at Caterham by leading the orchestra and having the orchestra perform a piece I had composed.”

“There’s too many special memories at Caterham to select just a few. Combined Cadet Force camps have been brilliant – I don’t’ think I’ll experience anything like them again!

It was an honour to be a Head of School, along with Genevieve and Ria, to give a speech on behalf of my peers at Speech Day and to work closely with the Headmaster through the year.”

“It means a lot to have had the support I’ve had from the teachers throughout and my advice to younger pupils is to really make the most of that as you progress through the school. Make as many memories as you can.

“I just don’t think I’d be anywhere near the person I am today if it weren’t for Caterham, the opportunities I’ve had here have shaped who I am, and I wouldn’t change it for anything.”

Amali’s off to Cambridge!

Today’s results secured a long held dream for Amali who joined Caterham from Oakhyrst Grange Prep School.

“Today’s been brilliant! I got four A stars so I’m very happy and can now move up to Cambridge to study Theology and Philosophy of Religion. I’m most looking forward to meeting new people and expanding my learning.” 

It means such a lot to me to get into Cambridge. I have been working towards it as long as I can remember so it’s the reward at the end of a long, but enjoyable, academic journey.”

“My standout memories of Caterham are the Duke of Edinburgh’s Awards expeditions as it’s impossible not to bond with the people you go on the expedition with. You are together rain or shine, through getting lost multiple times and then eventually reaching the end!”

“Today is an opportunity to thank all of my teachers: thank you so much for your support and belief. I don’t think I would have been able to do it without any of them. A big shout out to Mrs Webster!”

Amali competed with great success in numerous university and national essay competitions through her time at Caterham: “I really enjoyed competing in competitions, particularly in the Sixth Form. They were so interesting and also gave me a lot to talk about in university interviews too.”

“My time at Caterham has honestly meant everything to me – the people I have met who make this such a brilliant place to be and who I know I will be friends with for life. My advice to younger pupils is you don’t have to have everything figured out from the get-go. Just do what you enjoy and follow that and you’ll be on the right path.”

Xavier Takes Off for UCL

Xavier’s four A star grades have unlocked a stellar future for him at the cutting edge of technology as he moves up to UCL to study Artificial Intelligence and Robotics.

“Results day was exciting and stressful at the same time, but it’s ended brilliantly!  I can’t wait to get into my uni course and go into the field of AI and begin to make stuff.”

Xavier has been an active part Caterham’s ground-breaking Artificial Intelligence learning and teaching bot ‘RileyBot’ which was launched at Caterham and across UK and global schools in early 2024. Xavier is a member of RileyBot’s advisory board working to ensure that education technology is developed with the highest ethical standards. He was also a semi-finalist in the national ARTiculation competition giving an impressive talk about the relationships between Artificial Intelligence and art.

Reflected back on his time at school Xavier said: “I’ve only known Caterham as I’ve been here through the prep and senior School and I couldn’t have hoped for a better start. I’m going to mis this place, particularly my friends, of course, and the teachers who are incredibly kind and helpful –there’s too many to mention individually but they have made the all difference to me. My advice to younger pupils is purely practical – don’t leave the revision to the last minute!”

Results Speak for Zandile-Monique

A star, A and B grades spell success for Zandile-Monique! She can now continue her love of learning at University of Manchester and fine tune her studies on Speech and Language Therapy.

Zandile–Monique said: “Today has been so good! I knew I had got my Uni place before I came in but I was still nervous to see what results I’d got. When I opened my envelope, I was so pleased and my teachers were really happy for me too. I am now excited to move to a new environment and meet lots of new people and to focus my studies on a subject that I am really interested in.”

Joining as a boarder, Caterham has been home for Zandile-Monique for the last five years. She said: “This year I became Head of Beech Hanger which was a real honour. I have really enjoyed collaborating with the other boarding houses to organise fun events for the boarding pupils. That has been a real highlight along with Drama. I never took drama as a subject but have taken part in nearly every senior production and loved them all. Shout out to Miss Guttner, Mr Assen, Miss Richards and Mr Hall who have been so encouraging. I also want to thank Dr Zizek and Ms Fahey who have supported me so much. They are really special!”

“I am sad to leave Caterham as I feel so connected and accepted here. It feels like home so I’ll be back for sure.”

“Get involved as soon as possible! Make the most of all the opportunities here” Zandile-Monique advises younger pupils “Don’t leave it until the upper years, get the most out of your Caterham education right now!”


Dante’s Set for Durham

As part of the editorial team of Preview, Caterham’s Politics magazine, it is no surprise that Dante B is putting his A* grades to good use with a move to Durham University to study Politics

Dante said: “Today has been stressful but overall it’s been really nice to be back with my friends to receive my results. Everyone seems really happy. I’m looking forward to moving to Durham and getting stuck into my course as well as getting stuck in  to sport and co-curricular activities in my free time. I’m really excited!”

Joining the School back in Year 7 from Micklefield, Dante reflected on his time at Caterham: “The sense of community is brilliant, I have made so many friends for life whilst I have been here. My teachers have been brilliant have given me the tools I need to really set me up for a successful future. I can’t wait to get started on my next steps”

Shout out definitely to Mr Phillips, who is the most hard working teacher ever and Ms Drummond who is super nice. They have been so supportive and helpful.”

Dante’s advice for younger pupils: “Use the tools you are given and work really hard. Success is yours for the taking”