Film Festival – Red Carpet Moment

Film Festival – Red Carpet Moment

On the Monday of Wilberforce Week, the Third Years were invited to walk the red carpet in their glad rags for the Third Year Film Festival. Dressed up and surrounded by a selfie booth, breakfast pastries and decorations, the Third Years got a taste of superstardom.

As part of the Film Studies unit taken during the Spring Term, Third Year Drama students created films in three different genres: Film Noir, Silent Film and Horror. The Film Festival allows an opportunity for the students to showcase their fantastic productions, with awards presented at the end in a variety of categories.

The morning began with a viewing of six of the short films, moving between Horror, Silent Film and Film Noir, before taking a break with a scavenger hunt. Scattered around the school site were ten film posters from this year’s most famous films and each group was challenged with the task of recreating the posters as closely as possible, with prizes for the winning team. With over thirty groups, there were dozens of creative and imaginative entries that made the judging incredibly challenging – well done to all!

Following the completion of the scavenger hunt the Third Years returned to the Humphreys Theatre to view the final six films. After an intense period of deliberation, the awards were assigned and given out to the winners below. 

The Festival was a fantastic event, enjoyed by all. Well done and congratulations to all the winners!


Best Story:

Zoe M for ‘One By One’

Best Cinematography:

Virginia C for ‘Mary’

Best Editing:

Rory F for ‘The Girl in the Chapel’

Best Performer:

Lily W for ‘One by One’

Best Film Noir:

‘A Mardi Gras Sort of Thing’

Best Silent Film:

‘The Bumbling Burglar’

Best Horror:


Best Picture:

‘A Mardi Gras Sort of Thing’

People’s Choice Award:

‘A Mardi Gras Sort of Thing’

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