Classroom-based Enquiries Aid Reflection for Best Practice

Classroom-based Enquiries Aid Reflection for Best Practice

Following the appointment of Mr Kim Wells to the new role of Director of Training & Research last September, we have now completed our first set of Classroom-based Enquiries. These studies help teachers to reflect on their practice even more deeply, and provide us with an in-house evidence base for best practice.

This year’s Enquiries have looked at;

–              Wait Time (how does increasing the time we give children to think improve their learning, and how might we narrate that time to ensure they benefit most from that thinking space)

–              Study Buddy & Metacognition (how do Sixth Formers best coach younger pupils on how they learn)

–              Problem-solving (how does the explicit teaching of problem solving in First Year Maths improve pupils’ ability to answer word-based problems?)

–              AI & Student Learning (how might personalised feedback through RileyBot, our in-house generative AI learning bot, promote metacognition in children’s             learning in the Prep School)

The results of these enquiries are shared with all teaching staff, and published in a joint journal with two other schools. Three more Enquiries are already in the pipeline for the next academic year!

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