Inters Present at IRP Final 2024

Inters Present at IRP Final 2024

The Wilberforce Hall was most certainly the place to be last Tuesday evening. The room was alive with anticipation for the academic treat that was the Inters’ IRP Final. Six finalists from the Third and Fourth Years who had submitted Independent Research Projects on a subject of their choice, waited to present their findings to an ever-growing audience.

James W had the dubious privilege of kicking off proceedings with his superb presentation on the Banality of Evil. Thereafter followed impressive talks by Oliver T on whether or not science can be ethical, by Lucy Amsel on the best way to convert CO2 into usable energy on a large scale to help combat global warming, by Namratha D n the socioeconomic effects of our living longer, by Caitlin M on the impact of grief on the immune system, and by Annette S on whether sweeteners or sugars are better for us.

The judges were then faced with the incredibly difficult task of choosing a winner. Congratulations must go to all six of our finalists, who withstood, with a maturity beyond their years, a barrage of questions from the judges and audience alike. Especial commendation though, must of course be given to those pupils placed in the top three: Annette in third, Lucy in second, and Namratha in first place.

Our thanks go to parents, pupils and staff for attending the evening, and making it the very special occasion it was, and of course, to the judges – Mr Waite, Ms Wildsmith, and Dr Sinclair.

Mrs Hunter and Dr Scott

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