Third Year Scholars Attend Latin Mass at The Scared Heart

Third Year Scholars Attend Latin Mass at The Scared Heart

What a privilege – a visit to a Latin Mass, in 2024, in Caterham. Wow.

The Third Year Scholars’ Society wended its way up Waller Lane to The Sacred Heart Church this Wednesday morning to attend a Latin Mass. Prior to the service itself, Father Seán gave a superb talk on the history of the mass and the way in which the Latin of the mass differs from the Latin of Cicero. He explained the significance of the ceremony and of its roots within the context of The Renaissance. He also spoke very personally about the importance of the mass to his own faith.

Having knelt, sat, and stood at the right moments as much as we were able, and having followed the Latin as best we could, we were then given the opportunity to look around the exquisite interior of The Sacred Heart before being very generously offered the opportunity of a post-mass Q and A session with Father Seán.

We were, for a morning, transported back in time. Memories, and far more besides, were made.

Thank you, Mrs Nye, for inviting us to your place of worship, and for making this possible.

Mrs Hunter and Dr Scott

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