London Enrichment for Art Scholars

London Enrichment for Art Scholars

On Friday 17 May, art scholars from First to Fourth Year went to London for a rewards trip to celebrate all of their impressive work and efforts this year. They began with a fast-paced walking tour of the diverse street art around Shoreditch, where they explored roads and alleyways around Brick Lane and photographed a wide range of street art which will later be a valuable resource for their school studies. 

After a delicious lunch at Wagamamas they spent the afternoon demonstrating their creative talents in a chocolate-making workshop led by MyChocolate, London where they made their own ganache, shaped it to make truffles and decorated them. They also made large slabs of chocolate which they marbled and then decorated.

Immense fun was had by all, lots of steps counted, and they all brought home bags of chocolatey goodies to share with their families.

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