Webinar for Parents: Health, Fitness and Physical Wellbeing

Webinar for Parents: Health, Fitness and Physical Wellbeing

Tuesday 4 June, 7.00pm

‘Health, Fitness and Physical Wellbeing at Caterham’ will be hosted by Felicity Sewell (Director of Sport), Daniel Mays (Head of Athletic Development) and Rebecca Mugridge (Head of Wellbeing). The session will cover our philosophy and approach to supporting the development of healthy approaches to fitness and physical wellbeing in teens, as well as to outline the opportunities for pupils here at school. The webinar will also cover how to support the dismantling of barriers to health and fitness in teens such as navigating puberty, menstruation and body image concerns.

There will also be a Q&A session after the initial presentation, where Felicity, Daniel and Rebecca will be happy to answer any questions you may have. If you would like to attend, please register by completing the Microsoft Forms sign-up sheet accessed by clicking here. The link to join the webinar will be sent round nearer the time.



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