Business Essay Competition

Business Essay Competition

Our Upper Sixth Form pupils have spent the summer bettering their understanding of the fast-changing pressures facing firms around the world with our annual Business Essay Competition. This allowed them the opportunity to delve into topics such as the importance of online retail, the usefulness of accounting apps for small businesses, and Hofstede’s cultural dimensions theory. No matter the title chosen, it was clear that all had improved their ability to apply business theory to practical examples, whilst also balancing the use of a wide range of sources. Worthy runners up include Anthony, JohnPaul and Liyana, but the fantastic winning entry came from Elouise. Her essay applying Hofstede’s cultural dimensions theory (a topic not studied in the syllabus) with robust research, a well-balanced and insightful conclusion was a pleasure to read. Similarly for Economics, the essays submitted showcased an array of writing styles, applications of a plethora of economic models and theories, with the task of choosing a winner a tough choice. The essays of Luke, Isaac and Isabella are highly commended, but Zach’s essay on the pricing of pharmaceuticals was very well researched, superbly written, with a solid application of the models and theories used. A well done to everyone that made a concerted effort to broaden their horizons and their skills sets. 

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