Outstanding LAMDA Results

Outstanding LAMDA Results

Congratulations to the 34 pupils from First Year to Upper Sixth Form who took their LAMDA exams at the end of March. In total, the pupils obtained 26 distinctions and 8 high merits: an excellent achievement. With the usual span of exams from Grade 2 to Grade 8, across Acting, Verse and Prose, Speaking in Public and Musical Theatre, pupils excelled themselves and should be thrilled with their results. Particular congratulations to Alice C, (U6), who has just finished Grade 8, having achieved a distinction in every exam she has taken since Third Year. Also to note are the outstanding achievements of past pupils, Mille Thomas and Megan Denton, who both obtained high distinctions in their PCertLAM qualifications (only available for those students who have finished Grade 8) that involved a one hour performance unit and a 6,000 word essay – the final results for these were released last term.

  LAMDA Results  
Name Subject and Grade Result
Daisy C Verse and Prose Grade 4 Distinction
Narayan M Speaking in Public Grade 5 Distinction
Charlie S Acting Grade 6 Distinction
Finley C Musical Theatre Grade 5 Distinction
Alice C Acting Grade 8 Distinction
Holly D Acting Grade 6 Distinction
Isabelle P Acting Grade 6 Distinction
Julie A Acting Grade 6 Merit
Fleur K Acting Grade 6  Distinction
Rafael D Verse and Prose Grade 2 Merit
Emma R Verse and Prose Grade 4 Distinction
Isabella G Acting Grade 4 Merit
Freya B Acting Grade 5 Merit
Aaryan S Acting Grade 4 Distinction
Molly G Acting Grade 3 Distinction
Wui C T Acting Grade 5 Distinction
Emma F Acting Grade 5 Distinction
Marcus C Verse and Prose Grade 8 Merit
Keyan S Verse and Prose Grade 5 Distinction
Vivienne C Speaking in Public Grade 5 Disitinction
Ariya P Acting Grade 4 Distinction
Benji C Acting grade 5 Distinction
Euan C Acting Grade 5 Distinction
Elliot R Acting Grade 5 Distinction
Sadie C Acting Grade 2 Distinction
Emily H Acting Grade 2 Distinction
Michael O-B Acting Grade 4 Distinction
Riley D Acting Grade 4 Merit
Ava W Acting Grade 4 Merit
Cato K Acting Grade 3  Merit
Honor A Acting grade 3 Merit
Samuel B Devising Drama Grade 4 Distinction
Dante B Acting Grade 6 Distinction
Svara P Speaking in Public Grade 3 Distinction
Krishan B Acting Grade 5 Distinction
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