8 Offers Secured at US Universities

8 Offers Secured at US Universities

Congratulations to our Upper Sixth Form Pupils who have received eight well deserved offers from US universities, including Boston University, UCLA, University of Michigan. The pupils’ US offers sit alongside those from UK universities, including from Imperial, giving them an enviable breadth of top choices beyond Caterham.

The suite of offers follow a pathway of expert advice from the Sixth Form and Careers team at Caterham, including from Mrs De Silva whose role includes dedicated support for pupils looking to make successful US applications. The programme of support for overseas university applications typically begins in the Fifth Year and runs throughout the Sixth Form. The application process for US universities differs considerably from the standard UCAS application for UK universities with an increased focus on personal references from teachers and a focus on breadth of co-curricular and/or sporting achievement alongside strong academic achievement, meaning that our Upper Sixth form have been working incredibly hard across all areas of school life – well done!


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