Launch of Sixth Form EDGE Pathways Programme

Launch of Sixth Form EDGE Pathways Programme

We were excited to launch the new Sixth Form EDGE Pathways programme this week to our Lower Sixth. This innovative course has been developed entirely to support our pupils in preparing them for life after Sixth Form. Recognising the need to be equipped with skills to thrive both in school and in their future pathways, pupils will be coached this term by industry specialists, Old Cats and our own internal experts on topics such as public speaking, how to network and managing projects. Next term, they will have structured sessions focusing specifically on the journey they wish to pursue after Sixth Form, providing them with invaluable enrichment opportunities.

This week pupils completed a personality assessment before using the results to carry out a team challenge. Recognising their natural strengths and weaknesses through the assessment will help them get the most from the subsequent sessions of the programme. Look out for future updates here!

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