Get Involved with the Green Committee

Get Involved with the Green Committee

It’s been a busy week in the Green Committee! A report has been published highlighting changes supermarkets must consider to reduce the reliance on plastics and especially single-use plastics click here to read this is a huge reminder for all of us to do what we can and politely pressure supermarkets to take the lead! 

Also, we’re proud to have added a new, short video to help us increase the number of pupils in the Green Committee. Please go to our Firefly page here where we are building up information and records of activities.  

Finally, as part of our Eco-Schools Green Flag Award, we are gathering evidence of how Caterham School lessons include eco ideas at all levels, in all subjects. So far, we know about eco ideas in Drama, Textiles, French and Art – if you know more, let us know. Contact Mr Stamper – email address in the video! 

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