University Offers Update

University Offers Update

This year’s university application round shows a very strong picture across the Upper Sixth with 68 pupils who have received offers from across all the universities they applied to. Overall, 80 per cent of pupils now hold offers from their top choices. This positive picture follows 15 Oxbridge offers made to Caterham pupils at the start of the year.

Exeter has been one of the top choices this year with a 96 per cent success rate for offers – the remaining 4% awaiting confirmation. A total of 152 applications were made for business, economics and finance related degrees, by far the most popular subject area for this cohort of Sixth Formers.

Newcastle, Leeds, Loughborough and York Universities are amongst those who have offered to all Caterham School pupils who applied to them, a total of 53 applications.

The picture is by no means complete with offers still coming in for our Upper Sixth Form pupils.

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