World Sailing Championships

World Sailing Championships

Theo qualified in March to represent Great Britain in the sailing Laser 4.7 World Championships in Poland in July 2018. To do so, he had to compete against the best in the country on two occasions to earn his place. He will be travelling to Gdynia as part of a 15 strong team of sailors together with parents, boats, support motor boats and coaches to compete with 250 entrants from all over the world. This is his first international event in this class and looking forward to competing, meeting other competitors and being part of the GBR family.

In the lead up to the World Championships, Theo is getting as much practice as possible by competing in the UK ladder events which gives him his UK national ranking. Over the weekend he competed at Draycote in Warwickshire. In this two-day event with a fleet of 29, Theo managed to hold on to second position in some shifty conditions by the first day but was unfortunately beaten into seventh on the second which after some reflection he was pleased with considering the strength of the field.

The next event takes place in Rutland where he will be once again competing in a UK ladder event but also to qualify being coached by the UK sailing team over the summer. A very busy time ahead.

We wish Theo every success in the event and for the future!

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